
Public Security: None Endpoints under the Public section can be accessed freely without requiring any API-key or signatures.

Test Connectivity

GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/ping

This endpoint checks connectivity to the host.

Response Example:


Check Server Time

GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/time

Response Example:

    "serverTime": 1607702400000,
    "timezone": "China standard time"

Contract List

GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/contracts

Response Example:

        "symbol": "H-HT-USDT",
        "pricePrecision": 8,
        "side": 1,
        "maxMarketVolume": 100000,
        "multiplier": 6,
        "minOrderVolume": 1,
        "maxMarketMoney": 10000000,
        "type": "H",
        "maxLimitVolume": 1000000,
        "maxValidOrder": 20,
        "multiplierCoin": "HT",
        "minOrderMoney": 0.001,
        "maxLimitMoney": 1000000,
        "status": 1


Security: None Market section can be accessed freely without requiring any API-key or signatures.


GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/depth

Query Parameters:

  • limit: Integer (Default 100, Max 100)

  • contractName: String (Contract Name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

Response Example:

  "bids": [
      "3.90000000",   // price
      "431.00000000"  // quantity
  "asks": [
      "4.00000200",  // price
      "12.00000000"  // quantity

24hrs Ticker

GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/ticker

Query Parameters:

  • contractName: String (Contract Name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

Response Example:

    "high": "9279.0301",
    "vol": "1302",
    "last": "9200",
    "low": "9279.0301",
    "rose": "0",
    "time": 1595563624731

Get Index/Marked Price

GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/index

Query Parameters:

  • contractName: String (Contract Name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

  • limit: String (Default 100, Max 100)

Response Example:

    "markPrice": 581.5,
    "indexPrice": 646.3933333333333,
    "lastFundingRate": 0.001,
    "contractName": "E-ETH-USDT",
    "time": 1608273554063

Kline/Charts Data

GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/klines

Query Parameters:

  • contractName: String (Contract Name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

  • interval: String (K-line interval, e.g., 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 1h, 1day, 1week, 1month)

  • limit: Integer (Default 100, Max 300)

Response Example:

        "high": "6228.77",
        "vol": "111",
        "low": "6228.77",
        "idx": 1594640340,
        "close": "6228.77",
        "open": "6228.77"
        "high": "6228.77",
        "vol": "222",
        "low": "6228.77",
        "idx": 1587632160,
        "close": "6228.77",
        "open": "6228.77"
        "high": "6228.77",
        "vol": "333",
        "low": "6228.77",
        "idx": 1587632100,
        "close": "6228.77",
        "open": "6228.77"

Trading Security: TRADE All interfaces under the transaction require signature and API-key verification.

Order Creation

POST https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/order

Creation of single new orders.


  • X-CH-TS: String (Timestamp)

  • X-CH-APIKEY: String (Your API-key)

  • X-CH-SIGN: String (Signature)

Request Body:

  • volume: Number (Order quantity)

  • price: Number (Order price)

  • contractName: String (Contract name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

  • type: String (Order type, LIMIT/MARKET)

  • side: String (Trade direction, BUY/SELL)

  • open: String (Open balancing direction, OPEN/CLOSE)

  • positionType: Number (Hold-up position, 1 full position, 2 restrictive position)

  • clientOrderId: String (Client order identity, a string with length less than 32 characters)

  • timeInForce: String (IOC, FOK, POST_ONLY)

Response Example:

    "orderId": 256609229205684228

Condition Order Creation

POST https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/conditionOrder


  • X-CH-TS: String (Timestamp)

  • X-CH-APIKEY: String (Your API-key)

  • X-CH-SIGN: String (Signature)

Request Body:

  • volume: Number (Order quantity)

  • triggerType: String (Trigger type 3UP/4DOWN)

  • triggerPrice: String (Trigger price)

  • positionType: Number (Hold-up position, 1 full position, 2 restrictive position)

  • open: String (Open balancing direction, OPEN/CLOSE)

  • side: String (Trade direction, BUY/SELL)

  • type: String (Order type, LIMIT/MARKET)

  • contractName: String (Contract name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

  • price: Number (Order price)

Response Example:

     "orderId": 256609229205684228

Cancel Order

POST https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/cancel

Speed Limit Rules: 20 times/2s


  • X-CH-SIGN: String (Signature)

  • X-CH-APIKEY: String (Your API-key)

  • X-CH-TS: Integer (Timestamp)

Request Body:

  • contractName: String (Contract name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

  • orderId: String (Order ID)

Response Example:

    "orderId": 256609229205684228

Order Details

GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/order

Query Parameters:

  • contractName: String (Contract name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

Response Example:

       "side": "BUY",
       "executedQty": 0,
       "orderId": 259396989397942275,
       "price": 10000.0000000000000000,
       "origQty": 1.0000000000000000,
       "avgPrice": 0E-8,
       "transactTime": "1607702400000",
       "action": "OPEN",
       "contractName": "E-BTC-USDT",
       "type": "LIMIT",
       "status": "INIT"

Open Order

GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/openOrders

Speed Limit Rules: Obtain open contract, the user's current order.

Query Parameters:

  • contractName: String (Contract name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)


  • X-CH-SIGN: String (Signature)

  • X-CH-APIKEY: String (Your API-key)

  • X-CH-TS: Integer (Timestamp)

Response Example:

       "side": "BUY",
       "executedQty": 0,
       "orderId": 259396989397942275,
       "price": 10000.0000000000000000,

       "avgPrice": 0E-8,
       "transactTime": "1607702400000",
       "action": "OPEN",
       "contractName": "E-BTC-USDT",
       "type": "LIMIT",
       "status": "INIT"

Order History

POST https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/orderHistorical


  • X-CH-SIGN: String (Signature)

  • X-CH-APIKEY: String (Your API-key)

  • X-CH-TS: String (Timestamp)

Request Body:

  • contractName: String (Contract name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

  • limit: String (Lines per page, default 100, max 1000)

  • fromId: Long (Start retrieving from this Id)

Response Example:


Profit History

POST https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/profitHistorical


  • X-CH-SIGN: String (Signature)

  • X-CH-APIKEY: String (Your API-key)

  • X-CH-TS: String (Timestamp)

Request Body:

  • contractName: String (Contract name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

  • limit: String (Lines per page, default 100, max 1000)

  • fromId: Long (Start retrieving from this Id)

Response Example:


Order Record

GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/myTrades

Query Parameters:

  • contractName: String (Contract name, e.g., E-BTC-USDT)

  • limit: String (Lines per page, default 100, max 1000)

  • fromId: Long (Start retrieving from this tradeId)


  • X-CH-SIGN: String (Signature)

  • X-CH-APIKEY: String (Your API-key)

  • X-CH-TS: String (Timestamp)

Response Example:

    "symbol": "ETHBTC",
    "id": 100211,
    "bidId": 150695552109032492,
    "askId": 150695552109032493,
    "price": "4.00000100",
    "qty": "12.00000000",
    "time": 1499865549590,
    "isBuyer": true,
    "isMaker": false,


Security: USER_DATA All interfaces under the account require signature and API-key verification.

Account Info

GET https://futuresopenapi.fokawa.com/fapi/v1/account


  • X-CH-SIGN: String (Signature)

  • X-CH-APIKEY: String (Your API-key)

  • X-CH-TS: Integer (Timestamp)

Response Example:

    "account": [
            "marginCoin": "USDT",
            "accountNormal": 999.5606,
            "accountLock": 23799.5017,
            "partPositionNormal": 9110.7294,
            "totalPositionNormal": 0,
            "achievedAmount": 4156.5072,
            "unrealizedAmount": 650.6385,
            "totalMarginRate": 0,
            "totalEquity": 99964804.560,
            "partEquity": 13917.8753,
            "totalCost": 0,
            "sumMarginRate": 873.4608,
            "positionVos": [
                    "contractId": 1,
                    "contractName": "E-BTC-USDT",
                    "contractSymbol": "BTC-USDT",
                    "positions": [
                            "id": 13603,
                            "uid": 10023,
                            "contractId": 1,
                            "positionType": 2,
                            "side": "BUY",
                            "volume": 69642.0,
                            "openPrice": 11840.2394,
                            "avgPrice": 11840.3095,
                            "closePrice": 12155.3005,
                            "leverageLevel": 24,
                            "holdAmount": 7014.2111,
                            "closeVolume": 40502.0,
                            "pendingCloseVolume": 0,
                            "realizedAmount": 8115.9125,
                            "historyRealizedAmount": 1865.3985,
                            "tradeFee": -432.0072,
                            "capitalFee": 2891.2281,
                            "closeProfit": 8117.6903,
                            "shareAmount": 0.1112,
                            "freezeLock": 0,
                            "status": 1,
                            "ctime": "2020-12-11T17:42:10",
                            "mtime": "2020-12-18T20:35:43",
                            "brokerId": 21,
                            "marginRate": 0.2097,
                            "reducePrice": 9740.8083,
                            "returnRate": 0.3086,
                            "unRealizedAmount": 2164.5289,
                            "openRealizedAmount": 2165.0173,
                            "positionBalance": 82458.2839,
                            "settleProfit": 0.4883,
                            "indexPrice": 12151.1175,
                            "keepRate": 0.005,
                            "maxFeeRate": 0.0025

Last updated