ℹī¸Market Data

Fokawa Market Data API Documentation

Fokawa Market Data API Documentation

The following endpoints provide free market data from Fokawa.com:

  • Market Summary: https://openapi.fokawa.com/open/v2/pub/summary

  • Asset Details: https://openapi.fokawa.com/open/v2/pub/asset

  • Ticker Information: https://openapi.fokawa.com/open/v2/pub/ticker

  • Order Book (BTC/USDT): https://openapi.fokawa.com/open/v2/pub/orderbook?symbol=BTC_USDT

  • Recent Trades (BTC/USDT): https://openapi.fokawa.com/open/v2/pub/trades?symbol=BTC_USDT

Endpoint Overview

Summary Endpoint

  • Category: Summary

  • Status: Mandatory

  • Description: Overview of market data for all tickers and markets.

  • Example: https://openapi.fokawa.com/open/v2/pub/summary

Asset Endpoint

  • Category: Asset

  • Status: Recommended

  • Description: Detailed information on cryptocurrencies available on the exchange.

  • Example: https://openapi.fokawa.com/open/v2/pub/asset

Ticker Endpoint

  • Category: Ticker

  • Status: Mandatory

  • Description: 24-hour rolling window price change statistics for all markets.

  • Example: https://openapi.fokawa.com/open/v2/pub/ticker

Order Book Endpoint

  • Category: Order Book

  • Status: Mandatory

  • Description: Market depth of a trading pair with full depth available.

  • Example: https://openapi.fokawa.com/open/v2/pub/orderbook?symbol=BTC_USDT

Trades Endpoint

  • Category: Trades

  • Status: Mandatory

  • Description: Recently completed trades for a given market.

  • Example: https://openapi.fokawa.com/open/v2/pub/trades?symbol=BTC_USDT

Summary Endpoint

The summary endpoint provides an overview of market data for all tickers and market pairs on the exchange.

Example Response:

  "trading_pairs": "ETC_BTC",
  "last_price": 0.00067,
  "lowest_ask": 0.000681,
  "highest_bid": 0.00067,
  "base_volume": 1528.11,
  "quote_volume": 1.028,
  "price_change_percent_24h": -1.32,
  "highest_price_24h": 0.000676,
  "lowest_price_24h": 0.000666

Response Descriptions

  • trading_pairs: Identifier of a ticker with delimiter to separate base/quote (e.g., BTC-USD).

  • base_currency: Symbol/code of base currency (e.g., BTC).

  • quote_currency: Symbol/code of quote currency (e.g., USD).

  • last_price: Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency.

  • lowest_ask: Lowest ask price of base currency based on given quote currency.

  • highest_bid: Highest bid price of base currency based on given quote currency.

  • base_volume: 24-hour volume of market pair denoted in base currency.

  • quote_volume: 24-hour volume of market pair denoted in quote currency.

  • price_change_percent_24h: 24-hour percentage price change of market pair.

  • highest_price_24h: Highest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24 hours.

  • lowest_price_24h: Lowest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24 hours.

Asset Endpoint

The asset endpoint provides a detailed summary for each currency available on the exchange.

Example Response:

  "BTC": {
    "name": "bitcoin",
    "unified_cryptoasset_id": "1",
    "can_withdraw": "true",
    "can_deposit": "true",
    "min_withdraw": "0.01",
    "max_withdraw": "100",
    "maker_fee": "0.01",
    "taker_fee": "0.01"
  "ETH": {
    "name": "ethereum",
    "unified_cryptoasset_id": "1027",
    "can_withdraw": "false",
    "can_deposit": "false",
    "min_withdraw": "10.00",
    "max_withdraw": "0.00",
    "maker_fee": "0.01",
    "taker_fee": "0.01"

Response Descriptions

  • name: Full name of cryptocurrency.

  • unified_cryptoasset_id: Unique ID of cryptocurrency assigned by Unified Cryptoasset ID.

  • can_withdraw: Indicates whether withdrawals are enabled or disabled.

  • can_deposit: Indicates whether deposits are enabled or disabled.

  • min_withdraw: Minimum withdrawal amount of a cryptocurrency.

  • max_withdraw: Maximum withdrawal amount of a cryptocurrency.

  • maker_fee: Fees applied when liquidity is added to the order book.

  • taker_fee: Fees applied when liquidity is removed from the order book.

Ticker Endpoint

The ticker endpoint provides a 24-hour pricing and volume summary for each market pair available on the exchange.

Example Response:

  "BTC_USDT": {
    "base_id": "1",
    "quote_id": "825",
    "last_price": "10000",
    "quote_volume": "20000",
    "base_volume": "2",
    "isFrozen": "0"
  "LTC_BTC": {
    "base_id": "2",
    "quote_id": "1",
    "last_price": "0.00699900",
    "base_volume": "20028.526",
    "quote_volume": "279594",
    "isFrozen": "0"

Response Descriptions

  • base_id: The quote pair Unified Cryptoasset ID.

  • quote_id: The base pair Unified Cryptoasset ID.

  • last_price: Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency.

  • base_volume: 24-hour trading volume denoted in base currency.

  • quote_volume: 24-hour trading volume denoted in quote currency.

  • isFrozen: Indicates if the market is currently enabled (0) or disabled (1).

Order Book Endpoint

The order book endpoint provides a complete level 2 order book with full depth returned for a given market pair.

Example Response:

  "timestamp": "1585177482652",
  "bids": [
    ["12462000", "0.04548320"],
    ["12457000", "3.00000000"]
  "asks": [
    ["12506000", "2.73042000"],
    ["12508000", "0.33660000"]

Response Descriptions

  • timestamp: Unix timestamp in milliseconds for the last update time.

  • bids: An array containing the offer price and quantity for each bid order.

  • asks: An array containing the ask price and quantity for each ask order.

Trades Endpoint

The trades endpoint returns data on all recently completed trades for a given market pair.

Example Response:

    "trade_id": 3523643,
    "price": "0.01",
    "base_volume": "569000",
    "quote_volume": "0.01000000",
    "timestamp": "1585177482652",
    "type": "sell"

Response Descriptions

  • trade_id: A unique ID associated with the trade for the currency pair transaction.

  • price: Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency.

  • base_volume: Transaction amount in base currency.

  • quote_volume: Transaction amount in quote currency.

  • timestamp: Unix timestamp in milliseconds for when the transaction occurred.

  • type: Indicates whether the transaction originated as a buy or sell (buy removes ask, sell removes bid).

Last updated